Lighting makes up 20% to 25% of US energy consumption and somewhere between 15% and 25% of the energy consumption of a typical home. Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a fast growing technology in the lighting industry. LED lamps use approximately 10%-15% of the energy of an incandescent bulb, and 50% of the energy of a compact fluorescent bulb (CFL). LED lamps last upwards of 50,000 hours or more.
Orange Energy Solutions is a full service provider of LED lighting design, bulb and fixture supply, and installation. We will create a lighting design for your home with specifications of bulbs and fixtures that are best suited to the space and application. We then install any fixtures such as recessed lights and we will install the bulbs as well. If an LED bulb we supply burns out within 3 years, we will provide a replacement at no cost.
Orange Energy Solutions features LED bulbs from a variety of manufacturers. Advances in LED technology allow new lamps to produce warm light similar to the light from old incandescent bulbs. LED lamps are free of certain common complaints about their energy saving counterpart, the CFL. LED lamps are "instant on" and do not have a warm up period like CFLs. LED lamps, unlike CFLs, contain no mercury, making them safe to dispose without special precautions.
Questions? Concerns? Get in touch with us!