Orange Energy Solutions often recommends spray foam insulation as a superior alternative to many traditional forms of insulation such as fiberglass batts. Spray foam insulation is a two-part polyurethane foam which is sprayed directly on walls, roof decks, crawlspaces and other areas. Spray foam insulation provides many benefits including superior R-value per inch (insulating efficiency); creates a highly effective air barrier; and reduces noise levels inside the home or building.
Generally, there are two types of spray foam insulation. Open cell is typically sprayed in attics and other areas which are above grade and dry. Open cell spray foam has an R-value of 4.45 per inch. Closed cell spray foam insulation is used in areas with the possibility of moisture such as basements, crawl spaces and flat roofs. Closed cell has an R-value of 7 per inch. Each type of spray foam has unique properties which are matched to the particular application based on effectiveness and cost.
Orange Energy Solutions is a full-service spray foam installer. We utilize specialized equipment ranging from large self-contained trailer-based machines to smaller portable equipment depending on the size of the job and type of application. We provide our spray foam insulation services to our home performance customers as part of comprehensive retrofits as well as to architects and builders for new home construction and renovation projects.
Now is the time to start your insulation project.
The sooner you start, the more you save.